Sacred Conversation with Laura Chung

A beautiful exchange with podcaster and recently published author of the book ‘How to Manifest’

By Sheetal Rajan | September 26, 2022

I met Laura Chung serendipitously and the connection was instant. Her open curiosity and her compassionate disposition made her a great conversationalist. So when she requested for an interview for her podcast Awaken & Align, I felt both honoured and excited to jump in. During the interview we discussed how Sacred Geometry can help us create our own reality and how the keys to abundance are truly within our own selves. That is my divine purpose in life and a subject I can talk about for days on end! Enjoy the podcast and share it with people who you believe could benefit from a shift in perspective. You are loved.


“Basically, what I am doing is giving you the key over to you and saying ‘Hey! You go to your past, you go do the work… I am with you constantly.”

Say yes to abundance

Choose your path and begin your journey. Explore how you, your loved ones and even your team can reconnect to a new worldview through the lens of Sacred Geometry.